7- 8 January 2020

At Lausanne, Switzerland

We would like to cordially invite you to the Congress of Youth and Winter Sports which will be held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland on January 7th and 8th, 2020. The congress is organized with partnership of the EPFL, CHUV, and SmartMove network in collaboration with the IOC Olympic Center Studies and ThinkSport. In the days preceding the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics, we welcome you to join us for a multidisciplinary scientific program with special focus on young elite athletes and winter sport. The combination of research institutes and international sport organizations in a winter sport environment will allow for networking and collaborative ideas to be shared while gaining momentum for the future of youth sport.

Please find supporting information about the congress including information on the disciplinary sections of social sciences, technology, and physiology-medicine, along with abstract submission, registration, and logistical information via the following website:


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